
There is a plethora amount of users who are willing to help you, share advice, give feedback. Resources linked to common community pages to help start your journey.

Oh no, this is not going to be easy
Help Forums

for developers  
There are many great

websites that offer

developers a chance. Reddit

offers a lot of communities

that can be part of your

interests. Links to play

testers, people who are

willing to give feed back,

dev logs which show the

process of other people and

their journey.

Hub for game creators to discuss and share their insights, experiences, and expertise in the industry.

R/ Game Devs
Game Engine

Making your own game you

are likely to be using a game

engine. Game engine is

software framework

primarily designed for the

development of video games

and generally includes

relevant libraries and

support programs such as a

level editor. Here are some

most common engines and

their community pages.

Incase you have questions

relating to the program.
Game Maker

Drag-and-drop programming environment allows new game designers to jump right in and create 2D games.

(Click to view games made)

Create AR/VR applications, animated films and effects, as well as any non-game projects with 2D and 3D visualization.
(Click to view games made)

Create AR/VR applications, animated films and effects, as well as any non-game projects with 2D and 3D visualization.
(Click to view games made)
Unreal Engine
Oh no, this is not going to be easy